This is the only node which interacts with the expansion board (robot). It is responsible for controlling the robot’s movement and arm movements.
Subscribed topics
vr_drive (VRDrive) - The drive data from the VR headset
vr_arm (VRArm) - The hand data from the VR headset to control the robotic arm
vr_mode (VRMode) - The mode data from the VR headset
vr_screw (VRScrew) - The screw data from the VR headset
Published topics
switch_camera (SwitchCamera) - Switches the camera view depending on the mode
arm_angles (ArmAngles) - The angles of the arm joints to publish to the digital twin
_robot_data (RobotData) - Data from the robot such as voltage, speed, gyroscope, etc.
message (Message) - Message to be logged including level.
controller node¶
- class robot.src.controller.controller.controller_node.ControllerNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)¶
Interacts with the Expansion board.
- get_robot_data() None ¶
Gets robot data such as voltage, speed, gyroscope, etc. and publishes it.
- _switch_to_forward_camera() None ¶
Switches to the forward camera.
- _switch_to_reverse_camera() None ¶
Switches to the reverse camera.
- handle_vr_drive(msg) None ¶
Handles VRDrive messages.
- Parameters:
msg – VRDrive message
- get_arm_angles() None ¶
Gets the arm angles and publishes them.
- robot.src.controller.controller.controller_node.main(args=None)¶
- class robot.src.controller.controller.controller.Controller(production: bool = True)¶
- _convert_coordinates_to_direction(x: float, y: float) Direction ¶
Converts x, y coordinates to a direction.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
direction to drive in
- static convert_x_to_angle_difference(x: float) int ¶
Converts x to angle difference.
- Parameters:
x – x
- Returns:
angle difference
- static convert_y_to_angle_difference(y: float) int ¶
Converts y to angle difference.
- Parameters:
y – y
- Returns:
angle difference
- static convert_pinch_to_angle(pinch: float) int ¶
Converts pinch to angle.
- Parameters:
pinch – pinch
- Returns:
- _set_last_arm_mode(mode: int) None ¶
Sets the last arm mode.
- Parameters:
mode – mode
- _set_mode_defaults(mode: int) None ¶
Sets the mode defaults.
- Parameters:
mode – mode
- check_last_message_received() None ¶
Checks if last message was received more than sleep_mode_after seconds ago.
If so, the robot will stop and sleep. Will long beep twice to indicate this. Function gets called by rclpy timer with the hertz specified in the config file.
- static _speed_out_of_range(speed: int) bool ¶
Checks if the speed is out of range.
- Parameters:
speed – speed
- Returns:
True if the speed is out of range
- static _convert_value_to_angle(x: float) int ¶
Converts x to angle in degrees.
- Parameters:
x – x
- Returns:
angle in degrees
- static _convert_to_point(angle: int, y: float) tuple[float, float] ¶
Converts angle and y to x and y coordinates.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
y – y
- Returns:
x and y coordinates
- static _convert_coordinates(y: float, z: float) tuple[float] ¶
Converts y and z coordinates from [-1, 1] to cm.
- Parameters:
y – y
z – z
- Returns:
y and z coordinates in cm
- static _would_collide_with_front(x: float, y: float, z: float) bool ¶
Checks if the point would collide with the front of the robot.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
z – z coordinate
- Returns:
True if the point would collide with the front of the robot
- _is_illegal_point(x: float, y: float, z: float) bool ¶
Checks if the point is illegal.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
z – z coordinate
- Returns:
True if the point is illegal
- handle_vr_arm(msg) None ¶
Handles VRArm messages.
- Parameters:
msg – VRArm message
- handle_vr_screw(msg) None ¶
Handles VRScrew messages.
- Parameters:
msg – VRScrew message
- static _get_reverse_direction(direction: Direction) Direction ¶
Converts the direction to reverse mode direction.
- Parameters:
direction – direction
- Returns:
reverse mode direction
- static _is_within_origin_buffer(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are within the origin buffer.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are within the origin buffer
- static _is_in_first_quadrant(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the first quadrant.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the first quadrant
- static _is_in_second_quadrant(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the second quadrant.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the second quadrant
- static _is_in_third_quadrant(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the third quadrant.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the third quadrant
- static _is_in_fourth_quadrant(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the fourth quadrant.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the fourth quadrant
- static _is_right(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the right side.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the right side
- static _is_left(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the left side.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the left side
- static _is_forward(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the forward side.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the forward side
- static _is_backward(x: float, y: float) bool ¶
Checks if the x, y coordinates are in the backward side.
- Parameters:
x – x coordinate
y – y coordinate
- Returns:
True if the x,y coordinates are in the backward side
- _get_precision_direction(x: float, y: float) Direction ¶
Converts the direction to precision mode direction.
- Parameters:
direction – direction
- Returns:
precision mode direction
- _set_speed(speed: int) None ¶
Sets the speed of the robot.
- Parameters:
speed – speed
- vr_drive(x: float, y: float, speed: int, drive_mode: str) None ¶
Drives the robot based on ROS message input.
- Parameters:
x – x VR hand coordinate
y – y VR hand coordinate
speed – speed (length of the xy vector)
drive_mode – drive mode (normal, precision, reverse)
- handle_vr_mode(msg) None ¶
Handles VRMode messages.
- Parameters:
msg – VRMode message
- class robot.src.controller.controller.robot.Robot(production: bool = True)¶
- get_stored_angles() dict ¶
- _reset_arm() None ¶
Resets the arm to its default position.
- reset() None ¶
Resets the robot.
- get_speed() int ¶
Returns the speed.
- Returns:
- get_direction(direction: Direction) list[int] ¶
Returns the direction vector.
- Parameters:
direction – direction
- Returns:
direction vector
>>> from controller.robot import Robot, Direction >>> robot = Robot() >>> robot.set_speed(50) >>> robot.get_direction(Direction.FORWARD) [50, 50, 50, 50]
- set_speed(speed: int) None ¶
Sets the speed.
- Parameters:
speed – speed
- drive(direction: Direction | tuple[int]) None ¶
Drives the robot in a direction.
- Parameters:
direction – direction
- stop() None ¶
Stops the robot.
- forward() None ¶
Drives the robot forward.
- set_pinch(angle: int) None ¶
Sets the pinch angle.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- pinch() None ¶
Pinches the “fingers”.
- unpinch() None ¶
Unpinches the “fingers”.
- get_wrist() int ¶
Returns the wrist angle.
- Returns:
wrist angle
- set_wrist(angle: int) None ¶
Turns the wrist. Angle should be between 0 and 270.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- reset_wrist() None ¶
Resets the wrist to its default position.
- _screw(clockwise: bool, timeout: int = 1) None ¶
Screws the “fingers” in a direction.
- Parameters:
clockwise – if True, the fingers will move clockwise
timeout – timeout
- handle_screw(clockwise: bool, rounds: int) None ¶
Screws the “fingers” in a direction.
- Parameters:
clockwise – if True, the fingers will move clockwise
rounds – number of rounds
- get_arm_rotation() int ¶
Returns the arm rotation angle.
- Returns:
arm rotation angle
- set_arm_rotation(angle: int) None ¶
Sets the arm rotation angle.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- reset_arm_rotation() None ¶
Resets the arm rotation to its default position.
- get_arm_shoulder() int ¶
Returns the arm shoulder angle.
- Returns:
arm shoulder angle
- set_arm_shoulder(angle: int) None ¶
Sets the arm shoulder angle.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- set_arm_rotation_difference(angle: int) None ¶
Sets the arm rotation angle difference.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- reset_arm_shoulder() None ¶
Resets the arm shoulder to its default position.
- get_arm_elbow() int ¶
Returns the arm elbow angle.
- Returns:
arm elbow angle
- set_arm_elbow(angle: int) None ¶
Sets the arm elbow angle.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- reset_arm_elbow() None ¶
Resets the arm elbow to its default position.
- get_arm_tilt() int ¶
Returns the arm tilt angle.
- Returns:
arm tilt angle
- set_arm_tilt(angle: int) None ¶
Sets the arm tilt angle.
- Parameters:
angle – angle
- reset_arm_tilt() None ¶
Resets the arm tilt to its default position.
- beep() None ¶
Beeps the robot for 100ms, used for indicating mode change.
- long_beep() None ¶
Beeps the robot for 200ms, used for indicating robot is ready.
- static _estimate_battery_percentage(voltage: float) int ¶
Estimates the battery percentage based on the voltage.
- Parameters:
voltage – battery voltage
- Returns:
battery percentage
- static _estimate_cms_speed(speed: int) float ¶
Estimates the cm/s speed
- Parameters:
speed – speed in percentage
- Returns:
cm/s speed
- get_data() dict ¶
Returns the robot data.
- Returns:
robot data
- __del__() None ¶
Cleans up the robot.
arm kinematics¶
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.calculate_auxilaries(partial_point_y: float, partial_point_z: float) tuple[float] ¶
Calculates auxiliary angles alpha and beta between triangle delta_squared and the two links.
- Parameters:
partial_point_y – partial point y
partial_point_z – partial point z
- Returns:
tuple of alpha and beta in radians with the last element being None or np.nan
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.calculate_elbow_up_degrees(partial_point_y: float, partial_point_z: float, phi: float) tuple[float] ¶
Calculates the up angles in degrees.
- Parameters:
partial_point_y – partial point y
partial_point_z – partial point z
phi – angle in radians
- Returns:
tuple of theta_1, theta_2, theta_3 in degrees
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.calculate_elbow_down_degrees(partial_point_y: float, partial_point_z: float, phi: float) tuple[float] ¶
Calculates the down angles in degrees.
- Parameters:
partial_point_y – partial point y
partial_point_z – partial point z
phi – angle in radians
- Returns:
tuple of theta_1, theta_2, theta_3 in degrees
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.has_any_nan(thetas: tuple[float]) bool ¶
Checks if any of the thetas are np.nan.
- Parameters:
thetas – tuple of thetas in degrees
- Returns:
True if any of the thetas are np.nan, False otherwise
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.has_out_of_range(thetas: tuple[float]) bool ¶
Checks if any of the thetas are out of range. The range is -90 to 90 degrees for all joints except the first one which is 0 to 180 degrees.
- Parameters:
thetas – tuple of thetas in degrees
- Returns:
True if any of the thetas are out of range, False otherwise
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.get_mapped_phi(z: float) float ¶
Maps the z value to a phi value in degrees.
- Parameters:
z – z value in cm
- Returns:
phi value in radians
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.calculate(y: float, z: float, phi: float = None) tuple[float | None] ¶
Calculates the angles of the robotic arm.
- Parameters:
y – y value in cm
z – z value in cm
phi – angle in degrees
- Returns:
tuple of theta_1, theta_2, theta_3 in degrees
- robot.src.controller.controller.arm_kinematics.convert_thetas_to_servo_angles(thetas: tuple[float]) tuple[int] ¶
Converts the thetas to servo angles.
- Parameters:
thetas – tuple of thetas in degrees
- Returns:
tuple of servo angles in degrees
- exception robot.src.controller.controller.exceptions.ControllerException¶
Generic exception for the controller module.
- exception robot.src.controller.controller.exceptions.NotInProductionMode¶
Raised when a method requires production mode to be enabled.
Production mode indicates if the expasion board should be used or not.
- class robot.src.controller.controller.enums.Direction(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Direction enum.
- FORWARD = (1, 1, 1, 1)¶
- BACKWARD = (-1, -1, -1, -1)¶
- STOP = (0, 0, 0, 0)¶
- TURN_LEFT = (0, 0, 1, 1)¶
- TURN_RIGHT = (1, 1, 0, 0)¶
- REVERSE_TURN_LEFT = (-1, -1, 0, 0)¶
- REVERSE_TURN_RIGHT = (0, 0, -1, -1)¶
- LATERAL_LEFT = (-1, 1, 1, -1)¶
- LATERAL_RIGHT = (1, -1, -1, 1)¶
- DIAGONAL_LEFT = (0, 1, 1, 0)¶
- DIAGONAL_RIGHT = (1, 0, 0, 1)¶
- REVERSE_DIAGONAL_LEFT = (0, -1, -1, 0)¶
- REVERSE_DIAGONAL_RIGHT = (-1, 0, 0, -1)¶
- class robot.src.controller.controller.enums.Preset(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Preset enum.
- SPEED = 50¶
- PINCH_ANGLE = 180¶
- WRIST_ANGLE = 100¶
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.in_production_mode(func)¶
Decorator which checks if we are in production mode or not.
If we are in production mode, the function will be executed. If not, the NotInProductionMode exception will be raised.
- Parameters:
func – function to decorate
- Returns:
wrapper function
- Return type:
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.set_last_message(func)¶
Decorator which sets the last message time and is_sleeping to False.
- Parameters:
func – function to decorate
- Returns:
wrapper function
- Return type:
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.fill_vector_msg(msg, key: str, data: list)¶
Fills a std_msgs.msg.Vector3 message for given key.
- Parameters:
msg – message
key – key to fill for
data – x, y, z data
- Returns:
message with filled data
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.get_config() dict ¶
Returns the config from a local JSON file.
JSON files do not get compiled, so values can be changed without recompiling the code. Hence the reason for having some options in a JSON file.
- Returns:
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.get_threshold() int ¶
Returns the threshold.
- Returns:
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.get_production() bool ¶
Returns if we are in production mode or not.
Production mode means that the robot will interact with the expansion board (true) or not (false).
- Returns:
production mode
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.get_data_hertz() int ¶
Returns the hertz of which robot data should be sent to the VR headset.
- Returns:
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.get_sleep_mode_hertz() int ¶
Returns the hertz of which how often the robot should check.
- Returns:
- robot.src.controller.controller.utils.get_sleep_mode_after() int ¶
Returns the time after which the robot should go to sleep mode.
- Returns:
- class robot.src.controller.controller.rosmaster.Rosmaster(car_type: int = 1, com: str = '/dev/expbrd', delay: float = 0.002, debug: bool = False)¶
This is a class for controlling the robot. Which is a modified version of’s code.
- __uart_state = 0¶
- __parse_data(ext_type: int, ext_data) None ¶
Parses the data.
- Parameters:
ext_type – the type of the data
ext_data – the data
- set_data() None ¶
Receives the data.
- __request_data(function, param: int = 0) None ¶
Requests the data.
- Parameters:
function – the function
param – the parameter
- __arm_convert_value(s_id: int, s_angle: int) int ¶
Converts the value of the arm.
- Parameters:
s_id – the id of the arm
s_angle – the angle of the arm
- Returns:
the value of the arm
- static _arm_convert_angle(s_id: int, s_value: int) int ¶
Converts the angle of the arm.
- Parameters:
s_id – the id of the arm
s_value – the value of the arm
- Returns:
the angle of the arm
- static _clamp_motor_value(value: int) int ¶
Limits (clamps) the motor value.
- Parameters:
value – the value
- Returns:
the clamped value of the motor between -100 and 100
- create_receive_threading() None ¶
Creates the receive threading.
- set_auto_report_state(enable: bool, forever: bool = False) None ¶
Sets the auto report state.
- Parameters:
enable – if True, the auto report state is enabled
forever – if True, the auto report state is permanent
- set_beep(on_time: int) None ¶
Sets the beep (buzzer).
- Parameters:
on_time – the time the beep is on
- set_pwm_servo(servo_id: int, angle: int) None ¶
Sets the PWM servo.
- Parameters:
servo_id – the id of the servo between 1 and 4
angle – the angle of the servo between 0 and 180
- set_pwm_servo_all(angle_s1: int, angle_s2: int, angle_s3: int, angle_s4: int) None ¶
Sets the PWM signal for all servos. Angle values are between 0 and 180.
- Parameters:
angle_s1 – the angle of the first servo
angle_s2 – the angle of the second servo
angle_s3 – the angle of the third servo
angle_s4 – the angle of the fourth servo
- set_colorful_lamps(led_id: int, red: int, green: int, blue: int) None ¶
Sets the colorful lamps. Color values between 0 and 255.
- Parameters:
led_id – the id of the led
red – the red value
green – the green value
blue – the blue value
- set_colorful_effect(effect: int, speed: int = 255, parm: int = 255) None ¶
Sets the colorful effect.
- Parameters:
effect – the effect between 0 and 6
speed – the speed between 1 and 10
parm – the parameter between 0 and 6
- set_motor(speed_1: int, speed_2: int, speed_3: int, speed_4: int) None ¶
Send PWM pulse to each of the motors. Speeds are between -100 and 100.
- Parameters:
speed_1 – the speed of motor 1
speed_2 – the speed of motor 2
speed_3 – the speed of motor 3
speed_4 – the speed of motor 4
- set_car_run(state: int, speed: int, adjust: bool = False) None ¶
Control the car to move forward, backward, left, right, etc.
- Parameters:
state – the state of the car between 0 and 7
speed – the speed of the car between -100 and 100
adjust – if True, the gyroscope auxiliary motion direction is activated
- set_car_motion(v_x: float, v_y: float, v_z: float) None ¶
Control the car movement.
- Parameters:
v_x – the speed of the car in the x direction
v_y – the speed of the car in the y direction
v_z – the speed of the car in the z direction
- set_pid_param(kp: int, ki: int, kd: int, forever: bool = False) None ¶
Sets the PID parameters.
- Parameters:
kp – the proportional gain
ki – the integral gain
kd – the derivative gain
forever – if True, the PID parameters are permanent
- set_car_type(car_type: int) None ¶
Sets the car type.
- Parameters:
car_type – the type of the car
- set_uart_servo(servo_id: int, pulse_value: int, run_time: int = 500) None ¶
Sets the position of one of the servos (on the arm).
- Parameters:
servo_id – the id of the servo
pulse_value – the position of the servo
run_time – the running time in milliseconds
- set_uart_servo_angle(s_id: int | Arm, s_angle: int, run_time: int = 500) None ¶
Sets the angle of one of the servos (on the arm). Degrees: 1-4, 6:[0, 180], 5:[0, 270]
1 - Rotation of the arm 2 - Shoulder of the arm 3 - Elbow of the arm 4 - Tilt of the arm 5 - Wrist of the arm (rotation) 6 - Fingers of the arm (pinch)
- Parameters:
s_id – the id of the servo
s_angle – the angle of the servo
run_time – the running time in milliseconds
- set_uart_servo_id(servo_id: int) None ¶
Sets the ID of the bus servo.
- Parameters:
servo_id – the id of the servo
- set_uart_servo_torque(enable: bool) None ¶
Sets the torque of the bus servo.
- Parameters:
enable – if 1, the torque is enabled
- set_uart_servo_ctrl_enable(enable: bool) None ¶
Sets the control switch of the manipulator.
- Parameters:
enable – if True, the control protocol is normally sent
- set_uart_servo_angle_array(angle_s: list[int] = [90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 180], run_time: int = 500) None ¶
Sets the angle of all the servos in the arm.
- Parameters:
angle_s – the angle of the servos
run_time – the running time in milliseconds
- set_uart_servo_offset(servo_id: int) int ¶
Sets the offset of the servo.
- Parameters:
servo_id – the id of the servo
- set_akm_default_angle(angle: int, forever: bool = False) None ¶
Sets the default angle of the front wheel of the ackerman type (R2) car.
- Parameters:
angle – the angle between 60 and 120
forever – if True, the angle is permanently saved
- set_akm_steering_angle(angle: int, ctrl_car: bool = False) None ¶
Controls the steering angle of the ackerman type (R2) car.
- Parameters:
angle – the angle between -45 and 45
ctrl_car – if True, the steering gear angle and the speed of the left and
modified (right motors are)
- reset_flash_value() None ¶
Resets the car flash saved data, restore the factory default value.
- reset_car_state() None ¶
Resets the car status, including parking, lights off, buzzer off.
- clear_auto_report_data() None ¶
Clears the cache data automatically sent by the MCU.
- get_akm_default_angle() int ¶
Reads the default angle of the front wheel of the ackerman type (R2) car.
- get_uart_servo_value(servo_id: int) tuple[int] ¶
Reads the position parameters of the bus servo.
- Parameters:
servo_id – the id of the servo
- get_uart_servo_angle(s_id: int | Arm) int ¶
Reads the angle of one of the servos (on the arm).
- Parameters:
s_id – the id of the servo
- get_uart_servo_angle_array() list[int] ¶
Reads the angles of all the servos (on the arm).
- get_accelerometer_data() tuple[float] ¶
Get the accelerometer triaxial data, return a_x, a_y, a_z.
- get_gyroscope_data() tuple[float] ¶
Get the gyro triaxial data, return g_x, g_y, g_z.
- get_magnetometer_data() tuple[float] ¶
Get the magnetometer triaxial data, return m_x, m_y, m_z.
- get_imu_attitude_data(to_angle: bool = True) tuple[float] ¶
Get the board attitude Angle, return yaw, roll, pitch.
- Parameters:
to_angle – if True, return the Angle; if False, return the radian
- get_motion_data() tuple[float] ¶
Get the car speed, val_vx, val_vy, val_vz.
- get_battery_voltage() float ¶
Get the battery voltage.
- get_motor_encoder() tuple[int] ¶
Obtain data of four-channel motor encoder.
- get_motion_pid() list[int] ¶
Get the motion PID parameters of the dolly and return [kp, ki, kd]
- get_car_type_from_machine() int ¶
Gets the current car type from machine.
- get_version() float ¶
Get the underlying microcontroller version number.